Saturday, August 13, 2011

School anxieties

The past couple of days have been filled with my dreaded summer work *DUH DUH DUHHHHH*. And today we got our (potential) schedules. Both have started causing me a little bit of anxiety. First off, I have been starting my summer work, for which I have assignments for english, history, physics, and environmental science. KILL ME NOW. Hahaa but I'm getting there, slowly but surely! Only 11 more days until school... tear. I don't want to go back...
The second thing is my schedule. I saw it on SCORE, and it seems like I'm going to be in Recreation and Wellness with one girl and 30 boys. Joy. I think I might switch out of it soon if I'm able. But other than that I'm pretty excited about my SENIOR YEAR! Ahhhhhhhhhhh I can't even believe it myself!

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