Friday, August 12, 2011

Pictures pictures pictures...

I have to admit, I am a very intense lover of photos. Photos of me, photos of my friends, photos of random people... they all appeal to me. I'm just a beginning photographer myself, but I especially appreciate beautiful and quirky pictures. So naturally I always take my camera with me. Usually it's my little Coolpix, but sometimes I get to use my mom's nice Canon. This was the case yesterday with my and Kayla's photoshoot. I have to say, I think we got some pretty smashing pictures out of it:) First we had our regular shoot just outside, no makeup on. Then we had a more.. edgy shoot with dark eyeliner in black and white (I edited it later). I hope they look good, we had a lot of fun taking them!


  1. Very nice! You know the open mouth shot is my favorite! haha (:

  2. @Kayla: you know it! :)
    @Parker: -_________- Don't make fun of me, I didn't think it looked that bad!
