Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Giving up

Sometimes you try and try and try to hold on but you just can't. So you give up. Many times it's a good thing, other times it's not. But hopefully there's some benefit that comes out of it, whether for you or for someone else. I've given up on many things in my life, and this is sure not to be the last. This time I'm giving up a few things, most notably my social life, sacrificing it for school. I realize it's a little bit late, and that I should have done this LAST year, but you know what? I have to move on with my life and not dwell (TOO) much on the past. I've thought about it a lot lately, and have recognized that in order to be successful in life I'm going to need to develop habits now that will carry me through my college years (provided I even get INTO college..). So I'm starting now. I will try my very best to study for my classes, study for the SAT/ACT, and do all my homework as early as possible. It's quite a stretch for me, as I have a track record of not being that reliable in oh.. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those categories. But it's a goal I'm setting for myself and I'm going to work hard towards it. There are a few other things I'm going to try giving up too, such as my bad eating habits and my clinginess. And I hope to be able to accomplish those goals. I plan on updating my progress on this blog, so be prepared to read some about my trials soon! I'll post again as soon as I get my pile of homework under control and are able to finally take some time off to type on the computer :)

1 comment:

  1. You set those goals!! I expect you to accomplish them as well!
