Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Satan and his influence

This week we read in the beginning of 3 Nephi. 3 Nephi 2:1-3 says,  

“And it came to pass that thus passed away the ninety and fifth year also, and the people began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard, and began to be less and less astonished at a sign or a wonder from heaven, insomuch that they began to be hard in their hearts, and blind in their minds, and began to disbelieve all which they had heard and seen— 

Imagining up some vain thing in their hearts, that it was wrought by men and by the power of the devil, to lead away and deceive the hearts of the people; and thus did Satan get possession of the hearts of the people again, insomuch that he did blind their eyes and lead them away to believe that the doctrine of Christ was a foolish and a vain thing.

And it came to pass that the people began to wax strong in wickedness and abominations; and the did not believe that there should be any more signs or wonders given; and Satan did go about, leading away the hearts of the people, tempting them and causing them that they should do great wickedness in the land.

I think this scripture is very interesting. A lot of times we look at the scriptures and say, oh well that was their lives and that time, and we don’t have the same things going on now. However, I know that every story in the Book of Mormon was put there for a reason and that we can use some part of each story in our lives. This one is especially prominent. The Nephites were becoming more and more wicked, and the same thing is happening today. I believe that these scriptures help to teach us that we need to make sure we’re always watching for the influence of Satan, and know that miracles and revelation will always be present. If we don’t do that, we will not be able to survive in this increasingly wicked world.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Helaman 3

This week in class we went over Alma 57- Helaman 4. There were so many great verses, but I will focus only on two.

Helaman 3:19-20 reads, "And it came to pass that there was still great contention in the land, yea, even in the forty and seventh year, and also in the forty and eighth year.
Nevertheless Helaman did fill the judgment-seat with justice and equity; yea, he did observe to keep the statutes, and the judgments, and the commandments of God; and he did do that which was right in the sight of God continually; and he did walk after the ways of his father, insomuch that he did prosper in the land."

I think that these verses are very interesting. The Book of Mormon is filled with contrast that teach powerful lessons, and this is a small example of it. It first talks about how there's a great contention, how the land is becoming more and more wicked. But then it contrasts the people living in the land, with Helaman, who is exercising good judgment and wisdom even while being in a position of power. It reminds me of how we are commanded in our lives to be steadfast and immovable even in the face of adversity and dissenters. If Helaman could be still be good and follow in the footsteps of the Lord in the face of a nation that was brewing with conflict, we can all be able to work towards the goal of being unfazed by the world and being able to always remember the Lord in everything we do.