I've decided to use my influence with my blog (which still happens to be little to NONE) to start posting weekly inspirational messages dealing with my current reading in the Book of Mormon (thank you, Brother Griffin). So here we go!
This week we studied Alma 36-42. These chapters have so much good doctrine in them. However, each time I'll just pick a few scriptures that really brought new insight to my life.
One of these was Alma 37:6. It says, "Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise."
This scripture really had a profound impact on me. I sometimes like to think of great spiritual experiences or big things in life as a result of a giant manifestation or some huge moment. But this scripture says the opposite. Often, a big change is brought about by a simple idea or a split-second flash of inspiration. I think it's interesting that many times we are concerned with getting some feeling that is deep and insightful before we act. But many times the Lord has other ideas, and is waiting for us to push forward with faith in him before giving us just a small impression that what we're doing is good and right. I think all of us should look to make sure we're not waiting around for the Red Sea to part, or for Jesus to bless the loaves and fishes for the thousands, and instead be willing to accept the still small voice of the Spirit helping to guide our lives. If we do that, we will be more in tune with God's plan for each one of us and our eyes will be opened to the multitude of small blessings in our lives.
This next week, try to make sure you're looking specific things for the little things or people the Lord has placed in your life to bless and uplift you. Believe me, I'll be doing it too.