Friday, May 11, 2012

Senior Year - The Final Countdown

We're almost there. About a week and a half and and I'll be done with high school FOREVER. It's interesting how I'm feeling right now. On one hand I have the slight sadness I feel when I think about never seeing most of these people again except maybe in passing. But there's the other side of me that cannot be happier or more ready to leave and start the new part of life. People like to ask me if I'm scared to go to college across the country and I have to respond that I'm completely the opposite. I couldn't be more excited to get to experience a new place. I hope it will be a great time and that I will meet so many new people and do so many new things.

But before that starts, I have the rest of this school year, convocation, GRADUATION, work, beach trips... I'm so excited for what summer 2012 will bring!

Monday, May 7, 2012

College and other SUPER IMPORTANT things

Hahaa I am so bad at blogging. I really want to eventually make it more of a priority, especially when I get to COLLEGE in a few months.

It's official. I've accepted to and will be attending Brigham Young University (Provo) in the Fall of 2012. Seriously, all the dreams I've had since I was a little kid about BYU have finally come true. I am BEYOND excited to start this new chapter of my life. I even have a roommate, a girl named Jenna from California. If you want to check out her blog, it's Check it out! :)

But before I journey to the wild lands of Utah, I have to finish school. Ugh school. It's a sore subject these days. Combined with being accepted to college and having NO interest in doing anything school related anymore, I have reached a new level of unproductivity. Culminating is looming, fast and furious. Then comes AP tests... but I also only have about 30 days of school left. YAY FOR SENIORS GETTING OUT EARLY. After that is graduation on June 2nd, 2012. Once that is done, I will be forever finished with public school. I will miss it, but I am WAY more excited about the future.

Speaking of senior activities, I just attended my senior prom last Saturday. I went with my friend Preston from my church. I had a lot of fun! I'm so glad he agreed to go with me, what a nice guy. Here's some pictures from the big night.

My handsome date!

Ladies corsages

My gorgeous Shannon

Can the kawaiiest asian please stand up? Governor's school seniors 2012 :)

May I present to you, my best friend 

This girl = fabulous. I'm getting this framed

Love these ladies

Lilly... I love this girl. I will miss her so much. WAHOOWA!

And finally, our super hot faces for your viewing pleasure.

Hope you enjoyed this. Until next time...